We are able to offer IMC EXPRESS websites as a less-expensive alternative to custom-designed websites because we build these sites using our signature themes, and provide minimal customization.

Once you have selected one of our themes, your website design will highlight your brand, feature your logo, and allow you to select colors, fonts and images that effectively convey your message and mission.

To help keep costs low, and stay on schedule, all IMC EXPRESS websites must adhere to the following prescribed guidelines:

  • We cannot begin work on your website until all three fundamental elements have been provided in a timely manner: selection of signature theme and chosen images, high resolution logo, all completed and approved content. Please send original content and all changes to us electronically. We accept a wide range of files (Excel, Word, PDF, etc.)
  • The final design will include a maximum of 6 content pages. (For example: Home page, About Us, News, Services, Testimonials, Contact.)
  • Prior to submission, all content must be spell-checked, edited for correct grammar and include the formatting you desire. We do proofread written content, but YOU have the final “word” on what is considered approved and final content. (If you need assistance developing or editing your content, our content developer can assist you for an additional fee.)
  • All websites include standard page elements that appear on EVERY page. These include the graphic header at the top of the page, the navigation links, and the page footer at the base, where we typically include your contact information.
  • You will have the opportunity to review the website and make one round of text or image changes at that time.
  • Please note: Additional content or image changes after this review period will be billed at our regular website update rate. If you send us approved text and images for the first round, you can use this review stage to improve the visual impact of your pages, which might include swapping an image, reducing text, or adding a few subheadings.